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When does snapchat best friends list refresh?

The Snapchat best friends list refreshes every seven days. This means your Snapchat best friends will update once a week, every Monday at 12am local time. The app looks at your Snapchat activity from the past seven days and determines your new best friends based on who you’ve snapped with the most during that period.

What is the Snapchat best friends list?

The best friends list shows the Snapchat friends you interact with the most. These are the people you send snaps, chats, and videos to frequently. Your top best friends appear at the top of your friends list in the Chat section of the app.

Snapchat best friends are determined by your snap streaks and overall interaction over the past seven days. The more you snap back and forth with someone and view each other’s stories, the higher up they’ll appear on your best friends list.

Having best friends on Snapchat simply means you communicate often with those users. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are your real life closest friends, although they usually are. The best friends algorithm is based on your activity in the app.

How does the Snapchat best friends algorithm work?

The Snapchat algorithm calculates your best friends based on the total number of snaps, chat messages, and interactions you’ve had with each friend over the past 7 days. It tracks:

  • Individual snap counts
  • Chat/message counts
  • Overall snap response time
  • Your viewing of their stories
  • Their viewing your stories

The friends you interact with the most frequently and reciprocally will appear at the top of your best friends list. If your snapping patterns change in a given week, so will your best friend lineup.

When does the Snapchat best friends list refresh?

The Snapchat best friends list refreshes every Monday at 12am local time. Snapchat tracks your snapping activity for the previous 7 days, from Monday to Sunday. Then on Monday at midnight, it recalculates who your top best friends are based on the past week’s interactions.

So if you notice your best friends list looks different on a Monday, that is why. The previous week’s activity has been analyzed and your new frequently snapped-with friends are now at the top.

Does Snapchat notify you when your best friends change?

No, Snapchat does not send a notification when your best friends list refreshes each week. The change happens quietly at midnight on Monday. You’ll simply notice different friends at the top of your chat list.

The only notification Snapchat will send is if you are removed as a friend’s #1 best friend. If that happens, they’ll let you know you are no longer someone’s top friend. But otherwise, the weekly refresh happens without alerts.

How to see your Snapchat best friends list

Your Snapchat best friends are visible when you open the Chat section of the app. Your top 8 best friends appear at the top of the list. To see your full best friends lineup:

  1. Go to the Chat screen in Snapchat
  2. Tap on your profile icon in the top left corner
  3. Scroll down and tap “My Friends”
  4. Tap “Best Friends” at the top

This will display your full best friends list in order from your #1 best friend down. You can tap on each friend to see your snap streak and send a chat.

How to become someone’s Snapchat best friend

If you want to become better friends with someone on Snapchat and appear higher on their best list, you simply need to interact more. Here are some tips:

  • Snap them directly every day to keep your streak going
  • Chat and have conversations over Snapchat regularly
  • Respond quickly when they snap you
  • Watch all their stories and react to them
  • Send them personal snaps and selfies
  • Upload engaging stories for them to watch
  • Interact beyond just snapping back and forth

The more you actively engage with a friend on Snapchat in all ways, the faster your interactions will add up and boost your best friend status.

Why did someone disappear from my best friends list?

There are a few reasons a previously top best friend may have disappeared from your list:

  • You snapped them less over the past week
  • Your snaps and chats with someone else were higher
  • Your responses slowed down or got less frequent
  • You stopped viewing their stories as much
  • They stopped viewing your stories as frequently
  • Your streak was broken

Essentially, your communication and back-and-forth snapping dropped compared to a previous week. So your new #1 best friend simply edged them out based on the algorithm.

Why can’t I see my best friends list?

If you are unable to view your Snapchat best friends list, there are a couple possible reasons:

  • Your account is too new – you must use Snapchat for 7 days first
  • You have fewer than 3 friends added on Snapchat
  • You opted out of Snapchat’s friend analytics and insights
  • You are blocked by contacts on your best friends list
  • It’s glitching – try force closing and reopening the app

Double check your app permissions, friend count, and settings to make sure nothing is restricting the best friends feature. If it is still missing, try uninstalling Snapchat and reinstalling the app.

Can you have more than 8 best friends on Snapchat?

Yes, you can have more than 8 best friends on Snapchat. While only your top 8 besties appear at the top of your chat list, your full best friends list contains many more friends.

To see your entire Snapchat best friends lineup, go to your profile, tap “My Friends”, and then tap “Best Friends”. This will show your full list of best friends ranked from #1 down.

The list of best friends contains all your Snapchat contacts ranked by who you interact with most. So while you can only pin 8 best friends to the top of your chat list, you can have dozens of best friends on the full ranked list.

Can I change the order of my best friends?

No, you cannot manually change the order of friends on your Snapchat best friends list. The order is automatically determined by Snapchat’s algorithm based on your snap activity and cannot be edited.

Your top 8 best friends are determined purely by Snapchat’s calculations of your interactions. The only way to change the order is to snap those friends you want higher up more frequently.

Snapchat Best Friends List: Key Takeaways

  • The best friends list shows who you snap with the most
  • It refreshes every Monday at 12am based on the past week’s snaps
  • Snapchat does not notify you when your list changes
  • Interact more to become someone’s best friend
  • You can have more than 8 best friends, but only 8 appear at the top
  • The order cannot be manually edited