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When you remove a friend from Snapchat and add them back?

When you remove a friend from Snapchat and add them back?

Quick Answers

When you remove a friend from Snapchat and then add them back, a few different things can happen depending on how long it’s been since you removed them:

  • If you add them back within 24 hours, your chat history will be restored and it will be like you never removed them.
  • If you add them back after 24 hours but within 30 days, your chat history will not be restored, but you can start messaging again.
  • If it’s been over 30 days since you removed them, adding them back is like adding a new friend – you’ll have to build your Snapchat friendship from scratch.

So in summary:

  • Removed for less than 24 hours: chat history restored
  • Removed for 24 hours to 30 days: chat history gone but can message again
  • Removed for over 30 days: like adding a brand new friend

Why Does Snapchat Work This Way?

Snapchat’s system for removing and adding back friends is designed this way for a few reasons:

Temporary Removes

If you just removed someone in a moment of frustration but change your mind soon after, Snapchat gives you 24 hours to seamlessly add them back like nothing happened. This prevents permanently losing connections over temporary disagreements or mistakes.

Chat History Security

After 24 hours, Snapchat starts deleting old chat history and data related to that friend. This provides some security and privacy in case the relationship ends badly – old messages automatically disappear so they can’t be accessed if you add the person back later on.

Moving On

After 30 days, Snapchat treats a re-add as totally new. This simulates how time and space can reset a relationship in real life. It prevents old drama or tensions from automatically resurfacing if you reconnect with someone later on as changed people.

Limiting Harassment

By fully resetting things after 30 days, Snapchat discourages users from repeatedly removing and re-adding as a form of harassment. The other person would have to approve the new friend request for contact to resume.

What Happens to Snaps When You Remove a Friend?

When you remove a friend from Snapchat, any unopened snaps from that friend will be deleted and disappear forever.

If you’ve opened the snap already, removing the friend won’t delete snaps or chats that you’ve previously viewed. However, as mentioned above, that chat history will automatically be erased if you add the friend back after 24 hours.

So in short:

  • Unopened snaps from removed friend: Deleted forever
  • Opened snaps/chat history: Still saved temporarily until added back

This system prevents people from opening snaps but avoiding reciprocation by quickly removing the friend who sent them. It encourages honoring the Snapchat social contract of opening and responding to snaps.

What If You Accidentally Remove a Friend?

Accidentally removing a friend is annoying but not necessarily permanent. Here are some tips if it happens:

  • Add them back immediately if noticed soon – you have 24 hours to restore the friendship seamlessly
  • Explain what happened and ask to be re-added if noticed after 24 hours – most people will understand and accept
  • If re-added after 30 days, briefly explain the situation to re-build the connection and save chat history
  • Double check the friend list before swiping to remove someone to prevent accidents

So don’t panic if you remove someone accidentally! Just act fast, communicate, or rebuild things slowly. Treating people with patience and empathy goes a long way.

When Should You Remove a Friend on Snapchat?

Knowing how Snapchat’s friend removal system works, here are some appropriate times to consider removing a friend:

  • You had a falling out and want to take space
  • Their snaps are cluttering your feed but you don’t want to mute
  • You haven’t talked in a long time and feel you’ve naturally grown apart
  • Their content goes against your values or makes you uncomfortable
  • They mistreat you or cross personal boundaries

Basically, removing a friend can create space from someone if the relationship has run its course or become negative and unhealthy. Just be thoughtful about permanently severing ties versus allowing time to reconcile.

Inappropriate Reasons to Remove a Friend

Some poor reasons to remove a Snapchat friend include:

  • Punishing them for not opening/viewing your snaps fast enough
  • “Ghosting” someone you’re casually dating rather than communicating
  • Being embarrassed by their content but never telling them
  • assumes unfollowed you just because their viewer list changed

These demonstrate poor communication and passive aggressive behavior. Always consider taking the high road by talking things out first.


Here are some key takeaways about removing and adding back Snapchat friends:

  • Chat history and snaps can be restored if re-added within 24 hours
  • After 24 hours, chat history is erased but friendship can resume
  • After 30 days, it’s like starting a brand new Snapchat friendship
  • Accidental removes can be fixed but act fast and communicate
  • Thoughtfully consider when removing friends is appropriate or hurtful

Following this advice will help you remove Snapchat friends in a mature and thoughtful way when necessary, without burning bridges permanently. Treating others with empathy is always wise.