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Who are considered friends on snapchat?

On Snapchat, your friends are the people you connect with and share photos, videos, chats, stories, and more. There are a few different categories of friends on Snapchat:

Actual Friends

These are people you know in real life – friends, family members, coworkers, classmates, etc. You likely added them through searching their username, getting their Snapcode, or approving a friend request. You can share your full Snapchat experience with actual friends.


These are people you may know in real life but are not close with, like distant relatives, your friend’s friends, people you met once, etc. You probably don’t share your entire Snapchat presence with acquaintances. You can control what these friends see using Custom Friend Lists.


These are people you don’t know personally at all. You likely found and added each other through Quick Add, Snapcodes online, or being nearby one another. You tend to be more selective about what you share with strangers. Strangers allow you to expand your Snapchat network and make new connections.


Snapchat has official accounts for various celebrities, entertainment companies, sports teams, media outlets, and influencers. By adding these accounts as friends, you can view their public Stories and receive Snaps from them. Celebrity accounts offer a direct way to engage with their brands and content.


Many companies and brands now have Snapchat profiles you can add. This gives you access to their marketing content, promotions, new products, and customer service. Adding business accounts lets you interact with and follow brands you like on Snapchat.


You can create Group Chats of up to 31 friends on Snapchat who can all message and share with each other. Groups are great for talking with specific friend circles or planning events. Adding a Group makes it easy to keep in touch with certain sets of friends.

Snapchat Support

Snapchat’s official Support account provides tips, assistance, updates, and information. Adding Snapchat Support to your friends gives you direct access to their posts and a way to ask questions.

Snapchat Maps

With Snap Map, you can see public Snaps from anyone around the world. Adding friends in faraway locations lets you experience their area through their Snaps and Stories.

Snapchat Community

The Snapchat Community are influential Snapchatters who create public Stories and Snaps. Following them can help you discover new content across various interests and hobbies.

How Friends Work on Snapchat

Once you add someone as a friend on Snapchat, you gain access to certain functions:

  • View their public Story.
  • Send them Snaps.
  • Chat with them through Messages.
  • See their location on Snap Map if they choose to share.
  • Interact with their Bitmoji avatar.
  • React and respond to their Snaps and Stories.
  • Video call them through Chat.

However, by default, being Snapchat friends does not mean you automatically see their private Stories or location. Friends must actively choose to share that content with you. This allows for tiered levels of connections from acquaintances to close friends.

Accepting Friend Requests

When someone adds your username on Snapchat, you will get a Friend Request. Their username will appear in your Added Me section. To become friends, tap the accept button. If you do not want to connect, you can ignore the request and they will be removed after 24 hours.

Adding Friends

There are a few ways to add friends on Snapchat:

  • Search for their exact username.
  • Use Quick Add to find nearby users or scan Snapcodes.
  • Tap your Snapcode and have them scan it.
  • Select “Add Friends” and choose Snapchat to access your contacts.
  • Import friends from Facebook or your phone’s contacts.

Adding by username is the most targeted way to find a specific friend. The other methods help you discover and connect with new Snapchat users.

Removing and Blocking Friends

If you no longer want to be connected to someone on Snapchat, you can either Remove or Block them:

  • Remove Friend – Removes them from your friends list. You can search and add them again later.
  • Block – Prevents them from viewing your Stories or contacting you at all on Snapchat.

To take these actions, go to your friends list, tap and hold their name, then choose either Remove Friend or Block. Block is best for stopping unwanted interactions from strangers or bullies.

Managing Your Friends List

With a growing Snapchat social network, it helps to organize your friends list. Here are useful ways to manage friends on Snapchat.

Pinning Friends

You can pin up to 8 Best Friends to the top of your chat screen for quick access. Tap and hold a friend’s name then choose “Pin” to pin them.

Creating Friend Lists

Friend Lists allow you to group friends into custom sets like Close Friends, Work Friends, Family, Acquaintances, etc. You control the names and members in each list. Then you can choose which lists can view your Stories and location.

Sorting Friends

Under Settings, you can sort friends alphabetically by first name or last name. This keeps your enormous friends list organized.

Deleting Friends

If you want to remove several friends at once, go to your friend list and tap “Edit Friends” at the top. Select all the friends you want to remove, then tap “Delete” at the bottom.

Adding Friends Safely

When connecting with strangers online, it helps to follow some safety tips:

  • Don’t add random quick add suggestions or snapcodes you find online.
  • Review someone’s public Story before adding them.
  • Look for their other social media accounts to confirm identity.
  • Ask mutual friends if they know the person.
  • Video chat before adding if possible.
  • Block suspicious accounts or spam bots.

Taking precautions allows you to grow your Snapchat circle safely. Always use your best judgment when interacting with strangers online.

Snapchat Friendship Etiquette

To be a good Snapchat friend, keep these etiquette tips in mind:

  • Personalize Snaps for different friend groups.
  • Reply to Messages in a timely manner.
  • Engage with your friends’ Stories.
  • Respect friends’ privacy settings.
  • Wish friends a happy birthday or congratulate achievements.
  • Avoid spamming friends with unwanted Snaps.
  • Don’t screenshot friends’ snaps without permission.

Treating your Snapchat friends how you would like to be treated ensures positive interactions and a fun community.


Snapchat friends include real life connections, online acquaintances, public figures, businesses, groups, and more. Carefully managing your friends list and respecting privacy settings allows you to craft tailored Snapchat experiences. Safely expanding your social network opens up new ways to creatively communicate through ephemeral photos and videos.