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Why can’t I add to Snapchat spotlight?

Why can’t I add to Snapchat spotlight?

There are a few common reasons why you may be unable to add content to Snapchat Spotlight. Snapchat has certain requirements that need to be met in order for a video to be eligible for Spotlight submission. Here are some of the most common issues and how to resolve them:

Your Snapchat account is too new

Snapchat requires your account to be at least 7 days old before you can submit content to Spotlight. This is to prevent spam and fake accounts. If your account was just created, you’ll need to wait a week before trying to post to Spotlight.

Your content doesn’t meet the Spotlight guidelines

Snapchat has guidelines in place for the type of content allowed on Spotlight. Make sure your video doesn’t violate any of the following rules:

  • No nudity or sexually explicit content
  • No illegal activity
  • No dangerous or harmful pranks
  • No violence or graphic content
  • No bullying or harassment
  • No hate speech or discrimination

Snapchat reviewers check all Spotlight submissions to ensure they meet the guidelines. If your content gets rejected, modify it to comply with the rules.

Your Snapchat account is banned from submitting

If you’ve repeatedly violated the Spotlight guidelines with your submissions, Snapchat may ban your account from submitting to Spotlight temporarily or permanently. This could happen if you’ve posted prohibited content multiple times. The only way to fix this is to appeal the ban with Snapchat and have them remove the restriction.

You don’t have enough Snapchat friends

In order to deter spam, Snapchat requires your account to have a minimum number of friends before submitting to Spotlight. The exact number is not publicly known, but you likely need at least 20-30 friends. If you have a new account with very few friends added, try building up your friend list first.

Your Snapchat account is private

Only public accounts are able to submit to Spotlight. If you have a private Snapchat account, you’ll need to change your settings to public in order to share content to Spotlight. You can always switch back to private after submitting.

You’re using an unsupported device

Spotlight only accepts submissions from the iOS and Android Snapchat apps. You cannot submit from a tablet or from the web version of Snapchat. Make sure you are recording and submitting from a smartphone with the mobile app.

Your video is too long

Snapchat Spotlight videos can only be 60 seconds max in length. If your submission is longer than 60 seconds, you’ll need to trim it down before submitting. Use an editing app to cut your video to 60 seconds or less.

Your video resolution is too low

Spotlight requires videos to have a minimum resolution of 1080p (1920×1080). If your video is more pixelated or has a lower resolution, the quality is not high enough for Spotlight. Record a new video in 1080p or higher resolution.

You used the wrong orientation

Videos must be recorded and submitted in portrait orientation to be eligible for Spotlight. Recording in landscape mode means the video will be disqualified. Double check that your video is vertical before submitting.

There is audio or music playing

Spotlight submissions cannot contain any audio or music playing in the background. Your video clip should be completely silent. If there is any background noise, you’ll need to remove it or record a new silent video.

You used prohibited icons, graphics or text

Videos cannot contain certain icons, text, graphics or logos related to dangerous organizations. This includes things like illegal drugs, criminal groups, or terrorist organizations. Remove any prohibited symbols or references.

You didn’t use #Spotlight when submitting

In order for your video to be considered for Spotlight, you need to add the hashtag #Spotlight when submitting. If you forgot to add the hashtag, your content will not appear on Spotlight.


Meeting Snapchat’s guidelines is important for getting your videos accepted to Spotlight. If your submissions keep getting rejected, carefully review the requirements and troubleshoot what could be causing issues. Some common problems are an ineligible account, prohibited content, poor video quality, incorrect orientation and more. By understanding the rules and debugging problems, you’ll eventually be able to successfully add content to Spotlight.

Here is a table summarizing the troubleshooting tips:

Issue Solution
Account is too new Wait 7 days after creating your account before submitting
Content violates guidelines Modify your video to meet Snapchat’s rules
Account is banned from submitting Appeal the ban with Snapchat
Not enough Snapchat friends Add more friends to meet the minimum
Account is private Change settings to public account
Unsupported device Record and submit from iOS/Android app
Video is too long Trim video to 60 seconds or less
Video resolution is too low Record a new 1080p or higher video
Wrong orientation Record and submit in portrait mode
Audio/music is playing Remove all background audio
Prohibited icons/graphics Remove illegal/dangerous symbols
Didn’t use #Spotlight hashtag Add #Spotlight when submitting

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my Snapchat Spotlight submission rejected?

The most common reasons Snapchat rejects Spotlight submissions are: violating content guidelines, account restrictions, poor video quality, incorrect format/orientation, background audio, and prohibited graphics. Check that your video meets all the requirements.

What are the Snapchat Spotlight guidelines?

Snapchat Spotlight guidelines prohibit: nudity/sexual content, illegal activity, dangerous pranks, violence, bullying, hate speech, discrimination. All submissions are checked to ensure they follow the rules.

How do I appeal a Spotlight submission ban?

If your account has been banned from submitting to Spotlight, you’ll need to formally appeal the ban through Snapchat’s support process. Explain why you should be unbanned and address any past guideline violations.

How many Snapchat friends do I need to submit to Spotlight?

The exact minimum friend requirement is not publicly disclosed, but you likely need at least 20-30 friends added before you can submit content to Spotlight as an anti-spam measure.

Can I submit Spotlight videos from a tablet or computer?

No, Spotlight submissions can only be made through the iOS or Android smartphone apps. Tablets and web versions of Snapchat do not support submitting to Spotlight.

What is the maximum Spotlight video length?

Videos posted to Snapchat Spotlight can be up to 60 seconds long. Any videos longer than 60 seconds will be automatically rejected and must be trimmed down before submitting.

How do I make my Snapchat account public?

To switch your Snapchat to a public account, go to your profile, tap the gear icon, select account settings, then change the “Who Can” option to “Everyone” under “View My Story.”

Can I use music in my Snapchat Spotlight video?

No, Snapchat does not allow any audio or music to be included in Spotlight submissions. Videos must be completely silent when submitted.


Getting your Snapchat videos featured on Spotlight requires meeting specific criteria. Analyze any rejections to pinpoint what guideline was violated. Issues like low quality, improper formatting, banned accounts, inappropriate content, and more can all lead to rejection. Understanding Snapchat’s rules and troubleshooting problems will help you successfully submit to Spotlight.