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Why is my friend not showing up on my friends list on Snapchat?

Why is my friend not showing up on my friends list on Snapchat?

Quick Answer

There are a few common reasons why a friend may not be showing up on your Snapchat friends list:

  • They deleted or blocked you – If a friend deletes you from their friends list or blocks you, they will disappear from your friends list as well.
  • They changed their username – If a friend changes their Snapchat username, they will temporarily disappear from your friends list until you search and add their new username.
  • Your app is glitching – Sometimes there are bugs or glitches with the Snapchat app that cause friends to temporarily disappear from your list. Try restarting the app or your phone.
  • You haven’t added them back – In order to show up as friends, you both need to add each other. Make sure you’ve added them back after they added you.
  • They haven’t added you back yet – You won’t show up as friends until the other person adds you back. Check to see if they’ve accepted your friend request.

If none of those solutions work, you may need to reach out to your friend directly to figure out why you are not connected on Snapchat anymore. Having connection issues with friends on Snapchat? Here are some troubleshooting tips.

They Deleted or Blocked You

One of the most common reasons a friend may disappear from your Snapchat friends list is because they have either deleted you as a friend or blocked you.

If a user deletes you from their friends list, you will be removed from their list and they will also disappear from your list. There is unfortunately no way to tell if you’ve been deleted versus blocked.

Blocking on Snapchat not only removes the user from your friends list, but also prevents you from viewing their Stories or sending them Snaps. If you try to view a blocked user’s profile or search for their username, it will say “No results found.”

So if you suspect a friend has either deleted or blocked you on Snapchat, you will no longer see their name/Bitmoji on your friends list. The only way to confirm is to ask them directly if they still have you added.

Here are some reasons why a friend may have removed you:

  • They wanted to trim down their friends list
  • You posted inappropriate or annoying content on your Snapchat Story
  • You haven’t talked in a long time
  • They are upset with you about something

If the blocking was accidental or done in the heat of the moment, calmly talking to your friend and asking why is the best way to resolve it. But if they intentionally deleted you or no longer want to be Snapchat friends, then unfortunately there is nothing you can do besides respect their decision.

They Changed Their Username

In addition to deleting and blocking, another reason a friend may disappear from your Snapchat friends list is because they changed their Snapchat username.

When someone changes their username, Snapchat will temporarily remove them from all of their friends’ lists until the username is searched again and re-added. This prevents people from finding accounts by usernames that no longer exist.

So if a friend’s username no longer pulls up their account, it likely means they have changed their Snapchat username to something else. Here are some ways to find their new username:

  • Ask the friend directly what their new username is
  • Check their other social media profiles to see if they have updated their Snapchat username
  • See if any mutual friends still have them added on Snapchat and ask what their new username is
  • Type in variations of their old username and check if their Bitmoji profile picture looks similar

Once you determine your friend’s new username, simply search for it on Snapchat and re-add them. Their name should reappear in your friends list within 24 hours once they accept.

If you can’t figure out their new username, let them know they disappeared from your Snapchat friends list and ask them to send you a new friend request. This will make their account show up so you can accept the request.

Your App is Glitching

While it’s generally caused by being deleted, blocked, or a username change, sometimes a friend temporarily disappearing from your Snapchat list is due to a bug or glitch in the app.

Here are some Snapchat glitches that could make friends disappear:

  • The app failed to refresh your friends list properly
  • A server outage made friends briefly disappear
  • The app is having connectivity issues pulling friends lists
  • A new Snapchat update introduced a bug

Glitches like these are often temporary, especially after restarting the Snapchat app and waiting a few minutes. If the issue persists, try fully powering down your device and restarting it.

You can also check Snapchat’s Server Status page to see if Snapchat is currently experiencing widespread technical issues.

If your other Snapchat friends are noticing the issue too, it’s likely due to a bug or outage instead of being deleted. Try reporting the problem directly to Snapchat through the app.

You Haven’t Added Them Back

On Snapchat, adding friends is a two-way street – in order to appear as friends, you both have to add each other.

If you see a user in your “Added Me” list but they are not showing up under your Friends list, it means you haven’t yet added them back.

Similarly, you won’t show up as someone’s friend until you accept their friend request. Be sure to regularly check your “Added Me” section for any pending requests.

To official become Snapchat friends, open the “Added Me” tab and click the plus icon next to the user’s name. Once you add them back, they will show up in your main Friends list within 24 hours.

And if someone says they added you but you don’t see the request, tell them and ask them to send another friend request. Sometimes the requests can fail to go through.

They Haven’t Added You Back Yet

On the flip side, if you added someone as a friend but don’t see them in your Friends list, it could be because they haven’t added you back yet.

When you send someone a friend request on Snapchat, it will show up as “Pending” under their “Added Me” list. The request has to be accepted for you to officially become friends.

If you don’t get added back right away, here are some things that may be going on:

  • They haven’t seen your request yet
  • They accidentally ignored the notification
  • They want to wait before accepting
  • They prefer not to add coworkers, old friends, etc.

Give it a few days or a week before following up – ask if they got your request and if they want to connect on Snapchat. Don’t take it personally if someone declines adding you back.

Also double check that you entered the right username when sending the friend request. If there’s still no response, you may need to resend the request or connect a different way.

How to Restore Lost Friends on Snapchat

If you notice one or more friends have suddenly disappeared from your Snapchat friends list, use these tips to troubleshoot and hopefully restore them:

  1. Force quit and restart the Snapchat app – This clears the cache and refreshes the friends list.
  2. Update Snapchat to the latest version in your device’s app store
  3. Power your phone off completely and turn it back on
  4. Check Snapchat’s Server Status page to see if an outage is causing problems
  5. Ask your friends if they still see you in their friends list – This helps identify who deleted who
  6. Ask mutual friends if they know the new username of someone who disappears
  7. Search variations of a friend’s old username if you think they changed it
  8. Send a new friend request to anyone missing who you want to re-add
  9. Report unresolved issues to the Snapchat Support team

With over 300 million daily active Snapchatters, bugs and glitches are bound to occur over time. In most cases, a disappeared friend is due to someone deleting or blocking you, changing their username, or because of application issues.

By methodically troubleshooting, you should be able to either re-add lost friends or figure out why they have removed you from their Snapchat. Maintaining healthy friendships both online and offline is important, so always handle Snapchat conflicts maturely.


Having friends temporarily disappear from your Snapchat list can be confusing and concerning. But in most cases, it is easily fixable. The main reasons friends can no longer be seen are:

  • Being deleted or blocked by that friend
  • That friend changing their Snapchat username
  • A bug or glitch with the Snapchat app
  • You haven’t added them back yet
  • They haven’t yet accepted your friend request

Before assuming you’ve been deleted or blocked, check for app issues and whether usernames have changed. If not, kindly ask your friend if they can still see you in their list.

Troubleshoot by restarting devices, reinstalling Snapchat, sending new friend requests, and staying patient for acceptances. With over 300 million users, some technical issues are inevitable so give it some time.

If your friends have intentionally removed you, respect their decision even if it’s disappointing. Work on strengthening real life friendships and finding inner confidence beyond social media. True friends will stick with you both online and offline.