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Why is someone not on my best friends list on snapchat?

If you’ve noticed someone is missing from your Snapchat best friends list, there could be a few different reasons for this. Your best friends list shows the Snapchat friends you interact with the most, so if someone has dropped off, it likely means you aren’t Snapchatting as much lately.

Your Snapstreak ended

One of the biggest factors that determines the best friends order is maintaining Snapstreaks. A Snapstreak is when you and your friend have snapped each other within 24 hours for at least 3 consecutive days. The longer you keep a streak going, the higher up your best friends that person will appear.

So if you notice someone has disappeared from your best friends, it may be because your Snapstreak ended. The Snapstreaks essentially “reset” the score for that friend. If you start a new streak with them, they’ll likely move back up into your best friends list rather quickly.

You’re not snapping as much anymore

Snapchat’s algorithm looks at how frequently you snap someone, how long your streak is, and how often you interact with their stories and chat. If you and your friend aren’t chatting and snapping like you used to, they will start to drop down the best friends order.

For example, maybe over winter break or summer you were snapping your school friend every day. But now that school is back in session, you don’t chat and snap them nearly as much. The decreased interactions will be reflected in their best friend ranking.

They aren’t snapping you back

Snapchat best friends also takes into account reciprocity. So if that friend hasn’t been responding to your snaps or chatting with you as much lately, even if you are still snapping them regularly, the one-sided interactions will bring down their best friend score.

Try striking up conversation and exchanging more snaps to get your interactions back to a two-way street. Having reciprocal chats and snaps will likely boost their best friend status.

You have new Snapchat friends

As you add new Snapchat friends and start snapping and chatting with other people more often, this will affect your existing friends’ rankings. Even if you are still snapping a friend regularly, if you start interacting with new friends more frequently, your long-time friend could get bumped down by the new friends.

For example, if you add a new co-worker on Snapchat and are snapping daily about your job, they will quickly move up your best friends list, which will push some of your other friends down.

They snapped someone else more

The algorithm also looks at how often you snap friends in relation to their other friends. So even if you and your friend are still chatting consistently, if they start snapping and interacting with someone else way more, you would get moved down on their best friend list. And in turn, they’ll drop down on yours.

For example, if your best friend just got a new boyfriend or girlfriend and is now snapping them all day long, the new partner will shoot up to their #1 best friend, moving you and other friends down the list.

How to get back on someone’s best friends list

If you want to regain your status as someone’s top best friend, there are a few ways to boost your ranking:

  • Start snapping them more frequently again
  • Respond to their snaps and chats to re-establish reciprocity
  • Reignite your old Snapstreak or start a new one
  • Engage more with their story and react to their posts
  • Send them more chat messages directly
  • Reminisce about old memories you have together
  • Send them more personalized snaps instead of mass sending the same snap

Essentially, you need to increase your interactions in both quantity and quality. Try to reminisce about inside jokes or memories you have with the person, and send snaps directly related to them.

Why you disappeared from someone else’s best friends

Looking at it from the other side, here are some reasons why you may have disappeared from someone else’s best friends list:

  • Your Snapstreak ended
  • You aren’t snapping them as much anymore
  • You don’t respond to their snaps/chats as quickly
  • They have new Snapchat friends they snap more
  • They are snapping someone else more frequently now

Essentially, all the same principles apply for why your best friend ranking would drop for someone else. It all comes down to your interactions being less frequent or one-sided lately.

Tips for staying in someone’s best friends

To keep your spot at the top of a friend’s best list long-term, keep these tips in mind:

  • Maintain your Snapstreak by always snapping daily
  • Respond promptly when they send you snaps and chats
  • Frequently react and respond to their story posts
  • Send personalized good morning and good night snaps
  • Reminisce and send inside jokes regularly
  • Engage in reciprocal, two-way conversations
  • Send them compliments and words of affirmation

If you notice your ranking starting to slip, amp up your snapping activity with them. And don’t take it personally if you get displaced by a new significant other or friend group – it’s often just a temporary change.

Being best friends on Snapchat isn’t just about quantity – the quality of your interactions matters too. So make sure to nurture your real-life friendship as well.

Other Snapchat best friends questions

Here are answers to some other common questions about Snapchat best friends:

Why did my top best friend disappear from my list?

If your #1 best friend disappeared, it’s likely because your Snapstreak ended, you aren’t chatting as much anymore, or they are now snapping someone else more frequently like a new friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.

Can you remove someone from your own best friends list?

No, there is no way to manually remove or reorder your Snapchat best friends. The order is determined automatically based on your snap activity and interactions.

How many best friends can you have on Snapchat?

You can have up to 8 best friends displayed on your Snapchat best friends list. If you have more than 8 friends, the algorithm will select the top 8 you interact with most.

Why can’t I see my best friends on Snapchat anymore?

Snapchat removed the ability to view your own best friends list in early 2020. Now only you can see your best friends – other people can’t view your list anymore. This was meant to reduce social pressure associated with best friend rankings.

Does deleting conversations affect your best friends list?

Deleting conversations does not affect your Snapchat best friends list. Your best friends order is based on your overall snap patterns, not individual conversations.

Can someone else see if they are on your best friends list?

No, best friends lists are now private as of 2020. No one else can see if they are on your best friends list – only you can view your own list.

The best friends feature fosters connections

While best friend lists are now private, they still serve an important purpose – helping foster meaningful connections between Snapchat friends. By snapping your real friends more, you strengthen and boost those friendships. Best friends on Snapchat are a reflection of who matters most in your life.

So if you want someone to stay atop your best friends list long-term, nurture that real life friendship. Snapchat is simply mirroring your offline connections. Cherish the people who made their way to the top of your best friends list!