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Why is the other person green on Snapchat?

Why is the other person green on Snapchat?

Snapchat’s chat interface displays your friends in different colors depending on their status. If you notice someone showing up as green instead of their usual color, it typically means they are not your friend on Snapchat.

What do the different colors mean on Snapchat?

Snapchat uses friend colors to indicate relationship status:

  • Yellow – Best Friends: You snap this person the most, and they snap you the most too.
  • Red – Friends: You have been friends with this person for some time.
  • Blue – New Friends: You recently became friends with this person.
  • Green – Strangers: This person is not your friend on Snapchat.

So if someone is green, it means they are not on your friends list in Snapchat. Their username will also appear in plain text, without the stylized appearance of your actual friends’ names.

Why would someone be green if we’re friends on Snapchat?

There are a few reasons why one of your Snapchat contacts may appear green, even if you are friends:

  • They deleted you as a friend – If someone removes you as a friend on Snapchat, they will appear green to you until you remove them back. This is the most common reason for seeing green.
  • You deleted them as a friend – Similarly, if you deleted them from your contacts, they will show up as green for you, but remain normal color for them.
  • Snapchat glitch – Occasionally there are glitches in the app that cause colors to display improperly. Force quitting and restarting the app typically fixes color issues.
  • Verification pending – Sometimes when you add new friends, they may show up as green briefly while Snapchat verifies the connection. It should change to normal after a short time.

So in summary, green means no formal Snapchat friendship exists between you and that person. Something must have caused your friend connection to be removed on one side or the other.

How to make someone turn from green to normal color

If you want to make a green chat turn back to normal color, indicating friendship on Snapchat, follow these instructions:

  1. Open your friends list in Snapchat.
  2. Find the green friend and tap on their name.
  3. Tap the “Add Friend” button.
  4. Your friend will get a notification asking them to add you back.
  5. Once they confirm, your chats will return to normal color.

Both people need to have the other added in their friends list for the colors to display properly. So if you see they are green, take the initiative to send a new friend request.

What happens if you message a green person?

When you try to chat with someone showing up in green, here is what you can expect:

  • They will receive the message from you the same way.
  • The chat on your side remains green.
  • You cannot see their Snapchat score or view their Stories.
  • Your chat disappears after 24 hours since they aren’t an official friend.

Messaging green contacts works fine, but they will be treated like a stranger instead of a friend on Snapchat. You will not have access to all friend features.

Can you see Stories posted by a green person?

Usually you cannot view Stories or Snaps from green contacts, since these are friend-only features in Snapchat. However, there are a couple exceptions:

  • If your green contact has a public Story, you may still be able to view their public content.
  • Sometimes deleted friends remain visible in group Stories you are both part of.
  • If they allow friendship requests, you can preview their public Story.

In general though, expect that green means you are prevented from seeing Stories they post. You will need to refriend them first.

Is the green person notified when you message them?

Yes, green contacts will still get notifications and be able to reply to your chats normally. Their experience remains unchanged. It is only on your end that the green color indicates broken friendship.

Being green does not make someone invisible to you on Snapchat. You can still message them and interact. The color change simply signals that your formal Snapchat friendship was removed by one side.

Can a green person turn yellow (become your Best Friend)?

No, green contacts cannot become your number one Snapchat Best Friend. Yellow is reserved for actual friends who snap each other the most. Until you fully friend someone again, they can only be green at the most.

Your Best Friends are calculated from your list of accepted Snapchat friends. Strangers and green contacts will not qualify, even if you snap them frequently. Refriend them first before trying to make them your BF.

In summary…

  • Green on Snapchat means not friends.
  • It is caused by someone deleting the friend connection.
  • You can still chat with green contacts.
  • Refriend them to restore normal status.
  • Best Friends can only be your real Snapchat friends.

So if you notice your close Snap buddy has mysteriously gone green, don’t worry! Just resend a friend request and get your color back to normal. Consistent greens means someone has removed you as a friend for some reason. ButSnapchat’s colors help make friend status obvious at a glance.

Color Meaning
Yellow Best Friends
Red Friends
Blue New Friends
Green Strangers

Why Snapchat Uses Friend Colors

Snapchat’s friend color system serves a few useful purposes:

  • Lets you quickly tell your relationship status at a glance.
  • Indicates who you interact with the most.
  • Shows new friends and strangers to watch out for.
  • Adds color and fun to your Snapchat chats!

The colors help keep things visually organized as your friends list grows. You can immediately spot changes, new people, and your top friends.

Customizing Friend Emojis

In addition to the default colors, you can also customize the emoji next to each friend! Here’s how:

  1. Tap and hold on a friend’s name.
  2. Select the emoji icon.
  3. Scroll through and pick an emoji.
  4. The emoji will now show by their name.

Having custom emoji for your close friends helps you identify your favorites at a quick glance. It’s a fun way to remind yourself who your go-to Snapchatters are!

Between colors and emoji, Snapchat makes it easy to keep track of your closest social circle. So don’t panic if someone suddenly goes green – just tap Add Friend, get reconnected, and your Snap life will be back to normal! Snapchat’s friend indicators help you nurture the social media relationships that matter most.